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Jan 2020

4 Ways To Take Care Of Your Child's Oral Health

Your children’s oral health is easy to be overlooked, because most of the time, it doesn’t present significant problems. However, you should not forget the importance of dental health especially for children. Before it’s too late, start investing more in your child’s oral health so that they will have beautiful smiles and healthy teeth as they grow. Below are four ways to be on top of your child’s oral health. Keep on reading to find out more.

Routine Dental Visits

Keep in mind that oral health isn’t just about the teeth, but it’s also about the lips, and gums, among others. Because of this, it’s advisable to take your children on routine dental visits every six to twelve months. By doing so, they will keep their oral health in check and at the same time, they get more used to being around a dentist.

Set A Home Routine

As the adage often goes, good habits begin at home. If you want your child to have healthy teeth, you have to set a routine at home. For example, teach them to set a specific time during the day and night for them to brush their teeth. If they do not practice this routine, know that it’s easy for cavities to grow in unclean mouths. We advise having a simple egg timer in the bathroom to time 2 minutes of brushing. The average brushing time for children is 27 seconds!

Prepare Healthy Food

Know that some foods and drinks can cause cavities to build in your child’s teeth. This is why you need to prevent it early on by preparing healthy meals for them. As much as possible, limit their junk food intake, or totally eliminate it from your home if possible. Keep in mind that what your children consume is essential to their oral health. You may have a good routine at home and consistent dental visits, but if your child is eating junk food, then the former will defeat its purpose. Hidden sugars are everywhere in food. For example, a tin of baked beans contains nearly 20g of sugar! The frequency of sugar intake increases the risk of tooth decay. Minimise the frequency to minimise the risk. Try snacks such as carrot sticks, cucumber, olives, fruit and rice cakes in between meals.

Take Care Of Their Gums

As mentioned, oral health isn’t just about the teeth but about the entire mouth as well. This is why you must not neglect your child’s gums because unhealthy gums can cause decay and damage their teeth. Take time to brush your teeth with your child so that they can copy you. There are plenty of great, inexpensive electric toothbrushes that will be more effective than manual brushing alone. Battery operated ones are fine but we prefer ones that can be charged.


In this article, we have provided you with several ways that will help you keep your child’s oral health in check. It’s important to remember that your children look up to you, so you must show them that you’re taking care of your oral health as well. Be a good example and they will be more eager to follow your footsteps. Remember that having a healthy routine at home and serving them healthy food will make a huge difference to their oral health. Educate them about the importance of oral health and make them feel involved in the process. Also, make sure to choose a dentist that you’re comfortable with and also ones who s good with children. Keeping your child’s oral health in check is doing them a favour for their future. A good set of teeth and good oral health will boost their confidence, which is why this is an investment that you will not regret!

If you are looking to learn more about dental care for your children get in touch with us today to see how we can help.


Feb 2020

5 Bad Habits Connected To Children's Oral Health

Parents need to teach their children about healthy dental habits while they are young. Healthy dental habits take time to develop, so it's good to start them young to keep their teeth far from cavities. Aside from teaching children what to do, parents must also teach them what not to do. Children may have simple habits, such as nail-biting or thumb-sucking, that may appear normal. However, unknown to many parents, these common habits may lead to adverse oral health outcomes. That said, it is crucial to prev… READ MORE
Jun 2019

Looking After Your Children's Teeth

DENTAL CARE FOR CHILDREN We often underestimate how important is to look after our children's teeth. Good dental care begins before you give birth to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy. Bacteria can transfer between mother and uterus leading to complications during in pregnancy. Once the child is born, one of the most common pitfalls is when we lick a soother or a spoon before giving it to a child and thus transfer bacteria. When to brush Teeth begin to form in the second trimester of pregnancy. Just b… READ MORE
Sep 2014

Back To School! Tips On Children's Oral Health

It is that time of year again- back to school. The summer holidays are over and the new school year begins. Oh well, never mind, it will be half term soon! Here are some useful tips on maintaining your child's oral health for the new school year:1. Avoid sugary drinks. Fizzy drinks are especially bad. Did you know that a can of cola contains 4 tablespoons of sugar. Yes, that is correct- tablespoons not teaspoons.2. Avoid snacking on processed snacks such as the weird and wonderful shaped crisps. These can … READ MORE
Sep 2011

Tooth Decay On The Rise In Fulham

A report has revealed that nearly half of five year olds in Fulham and Hammersmith have tooth decay. The report, which was released by the Children's Oral Health Task Group, showed that 45 percent of five year olds in the borough have decay, a figure which is significantly higher than the London average, which currently stands at 33 percent. Nadeev Pooni, from the Central London NHS Trust, said that it is very important that parents take responsibility for their children's oral health and encourage them t… READ MORE