{ The Online Blog }



Mar 2020

Corona Virus - A History And How It Impacts On Dental Care

With the UK currently in shut down due to the Coronavirus, I thought it would be useful to post some information on the background of the virus and how it affects us as a dental practice at Progressive Dentistry. We are currently open for emergency treatments only and those at low risk of transmission. Please feel free to contact me: e WhatsApp +44 7508 663942 Dr Nissit Patel Background In late December of 2019 in Wuhan, the capital city of the Chinese province Hubei, … READ MORE
Mar 2020

Corona Virus update and Progressive Dentistry

I would like to assure you that as I write this blog post at 1020 19/3/20 our doors are still open to you with the commitment of providing ongoing oral health care to the very highest standards. All staff at the practice are fit and healthy and unless we are told otherwise, we are happy to maintain your appointments. However, we fully understand should you wish to re arrange treatments for now. Infection control has always been a fundamental tenet of our dental practice and we have always taken great prid… READ MORE
Mar 2020
Mar 2020

4 Symptoms Of An Impacted Wisdom Tooth

They say that with age comes wisdom. Your wisdom tooth, which is the last to emerge during your early 20's or late teens, hence the term wisdom tooth. The wisdom tooth belongs to the molar group known as the third molar, which is found in the back of the mouth. When the wisdom tooth emerges, some people do not have problems at all. But for some, it results in oral issues, such as swelling around the tooth, bleeding, pain, infection and possibly contributing to teeth crowding. An impacted wisdom tooth refers… CONTINUE READING
Mar 2020

Social 6 Lingual Brace And Composite Bonding

Our case of the month for February 2020 involves using one of our favourite teeth straightening options- the Social 6 lingual brace and composite bonding to correct asymmetry. The treatment was completed by Dr Nissit Patel who comments: ' Over many years of being a dentist, I have realised how important it is to have teeth in the correct position before attempting any form of cosmetic dentistry. There are many benefits of this. Ultimately, if the front teeth are properly aligned then the following cosmetic… READ MORE


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