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Dec 2018

5 Common Dental Emergencies And How to Handle Them

There are only 5 sleeps until Christmas! Exciting. Christmas is generally a time for celebrating and indulgence. Sadly this often means dental emergencies with most practices closed until the New Year. Here are the 5 most common dental emergencies and tips on how to handle them until you can visit your dentist:

Tooth Sensitivity

After a heavy session of drinking alcohol of fizzy soft drinks (including diet), teeth often become sensitive to hot and cold. A good remedy is to apply a sensitive toothpaste all around the area using your finger tip. Do not rinse afterwards and keep in place overnight. Continual application should help.

Chipped Or Broken Tooth

If the area is sensitive, follow the same advice as above. Keep the area clean using mouthwash; a sensitive one is a good idea.

Crown Has Come Out

This is usually from a Christmas toffee or sticky treat! If you can fit the crown back snugly, then use a denture adhesive such as Fixodent or Polygrip and this should hold well until you can see the dentist.

Bleeding Gums

We are big fans of Corsodyl mouthwash and gel. If the gums are bleeding all over, use the mouthwash for 1 minute 2-3 times a day. If there is only one area of bleeding, the gel can be applied using a cotton bud over the site. Continual application is needed.

Lost Orthodontic Retainer Or Mouthguard

Visit a sports store or large chemist and buy a thermo formed guard. These are usually softened in very hot water and moulded directly in the mouth for 1 minute. This will provide some retention until a new one can be made.

Needless to say, call or visit the dentist as soon as possible. Hopefully, these small tips will help should you encounter a similar problem over the Christmas period.



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