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Dec 2018

ABC To Straighten And Whiten Crooked Lower Front Teeth

Our case of the month for December 2018 involves one of our favourite techniques: ABC A is for alignment. Straightening teeth using a discreet treatment method, usually in a short space of time. B is for bleaching. Whitening teeth to brighten your smile. C is for cosmetic bonding. Enhancing the overall shape and symmetry of teeth by adding to teeth rather than cutting away healthy tooth enamel. Our case presented with quite severely crooked lower front teeth which bothering him a great deal. They were rotated, overlapping and worn down from years of tooth grinding. Initially, they front 4 teeth were straightened using the Social 6 lingual brace. Aligning the front teeth means that any future cosmetic dental procedure such as composite bonding or porcelain veneers requires minimal tooth preparation if any at all. After alignment, the teeth were whitened using a take home kit with Phillips ZOOM gel 6% hydrogen peroxide, which lifted the overall shade by 4-5 levels. Cosmetic bonding was then performed on the front 4 teeth to level the edges. Not only does this enhance the overall aesthetics but this will also improve the bite. Having even edges on the front teeth allows a smooth guidance when eating and chewing. In turn, this will protect the back teeth also. Before and after photos:

Lower front teeth that are crooked and worn down
Straight, white, even teeth

If you would like to straighten and whiten your teeth next year, please contact us. Treatment completed by Dr Nissit Patel using Social 6 lingual brace, Phillips ZOOM take home whitening kit and G-aenial composite by GC.


Apr 2024

Closing gaps with composite bonding

Composite bonding is a well know and popular technique that we have been using for over 15 years. The process is generally minimally invasive, requires very little tooth preparation, no needles or anaesthetic and is more affordable than other cosmetic dental options such as porcelain veneers. The procedure can be used for a number of treatments including closing spaces between teeth especially front teeth.… READ MORE
Sep 2023

What is Invisalign Express and How Much Does It Cost?

Invisalign, as you may have seen online or on social media, is the world's most popular clear aligner treatment for straightening teeth. Over 15 million people worldwide have now been treated with the system which just goes to show the universal appeal of Align, the company behind Invisalign. The treatment itself was released in 2000 after a few Stanford University students came up with the concept and today, Align has grown into a huge corporation that also owns i Tero scanners and Exocad digital planning … READ MORE
Jun 2023

Composite Bonding On The Upper Front Teeth

Our case of the month for June 2023 involves composite cosmetic bonding on the upper front teeth. Composite bonding is a minimally invasive cosmetic dental treatment which can improve the aesthetics of a tooth or teeth. In most cases, we do not need to remove any healthy tooth structure with the composite being layered upon the tooth. With the advent of modern day dental materials, we are able to create stunning smiles with bonding in just one appointment.… READ MORE
Nov 2022

Philips ZOOM Teeth Whitening

Our case of the month November 2022 involves the use of one of our favourite techniques: Philips ZOOM LED teeth whitening. Tooth whitening has been around for many years and there are lots of different systems on the market today. It is probably the most popular cosmetic dental treatment available and for good reason; everyone deserves whiter teeth! The treatment is safe, minimally invasive, easy to maintain and very affordable.… READ MORE


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