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Jun 2023

Composite Bonding On The Upper Front Teeth

Our case of the month for June 2023 involves composite cosmetic bonding on the upper front teeth. Composite bonding is a minimally invasive cosmetic dental treatment which can improve the aesthetics of a tooth or teeth. In most cases, we do not need to remove any healthy tooth structure with the composite being layered upon the tooth. With the advent of modern day dental materials, we are able to create stunning smiles with bonding in just one appointment.

What does composite bonding involve?

At the initial examination, we can provide a mock up to show you how the bonding treatment could look. If there are large changes to be made, we will ask our lab to give us a diagnostic wax up which will provide us with a stent so that the changes can be copied. In most cases, tooth whitening is done prior to composite bonding so that the lightest shade of composite can be used. We have bleached shades which blend in beautifully with whitened teeth. The treatment itself does not require any anaesthetic or drilling of the underlying tooth. After washing the drying the teeth in question, we add the composite in layers to the desired shape. There is then a contouring and polishing process that provides a lovely shine. In most cases of two to four teeth, the overall process takes ninety minutes.

How to look after composite bonding

Composite is a resin and will need maintenance over the years. Regular examination and hygiene visits will help to minimise any problems. Polishing, relayering, repair and further additions can all be expected as part of the treatment. As opposed to porcelain, composite can pick up colour and stain. However, the maintenance is usually very simple and quick. Tooth whitening can still be done on composite. Even though the material will not change colour, whitening can help dissolve stains and keep a clean appearance.

Before the bonding procedure

Here, our patient Jamie is just about to undergo the bonding process with treatment planned for the front four teeth.


The smile reveal!

Straight after bonding, lovely new surfaces and enhanced symmetry. Treatment completed by Dr Nissit Patel using Empress Direct composite.


How much does composite bonding cost?

Our fee is £295 per tooth which is far lower than the fee for porcelain veneers. Typical UK fees will range from £250-400 for cosmetic composite bonding.

Contact us

Please feel free to contact us about any queries about bonding. We can arrange a telephone call or video consultation in the first instance.


Apr 2024

Closing gaps with composite bonding

Composite bonding is a well know and popular technique that we have been using for over 15 years. The process is generally minimally invasive, requires very little tooth preparation, no needles or anaesthetic and is more affordable than other cosmetic dental options such as porcelain veneers. The procedure can be used for a number of treatments including closing spaces between teeth especially front teeth.… READ MORE
Nov 2022

Cosmetic Teeth Straightening And Composite Bonding

Our cosmetic teeth traightening and composite bonding case of the month is really simple yet effective cosmetic dental treatment. In many cases, our patients would simply like to straighten the front teeth only which is quite understandable. If the front 4 teeth or incisor teeth or crooked, overlapping or gappy, then we have techniques which can help to solve the problems. One of those is the Social 6 lingual brace which is especially designed for the incisor teeth only.… READ MORE
Sep 2022

Invisalign For Arch Expansion, Teeth Whitening & Cosmetic Teeth Bonding

Our case of the month for August 2022 was a fabulous one! A real smile transformation done correctly. Forget 'Turkey Teeth'! A smile transformation should involve minimal or no biological damage to the teeth and gums to enhance the aesthetic and functional issues. The term 'Turkey Teeth comes from social media posts where a smile makeover is done over a weekend by hacking away natural healthy tooth structure and placing multiple crowns and veneers. These are often linked together with no means of cleaning b… READ MORE
Jan 2022

Tooth Wear & Cosmetic Bonding Case Of The Month

Our case of the month for November 2021 was a classic tooth bonding case involving severe tooth wear. Tooth wear is an increasing problem with grinding at night becoming an ever increasing problem coupled with acid in the diet. The combination of these two factors can lead to the softening and dissolving enamel leading to thin edges, chipping, fractures and exposure of the underlying dentine which can be very sensitive. The beauty of cosmetic bonding is that we can treat the wear, protect the teeth and impr… READ MORE